
paper bread bag TUTORIAL


Sharing baked goods with friends and loved ones has never been so easy! This paper bread bag is created entirely form items found around the house.

For this project you will need:

- paper bag
- piece of cardboard - large enough to fit your word(s)
- sticky foam letters (I found these at Target a few years ago)
- glue (I used a Scotch Wrinkle Free glue stick)
- stamp pad
- writing utensil*
- ruler*
- scissors
- sewing machine

* these items are optional.

Stamp Instructions:

The first step is to decide what you would like your stamp to say.  I went for FRESH BAKED BREAD, but there are so many possibilities.

Next, draw parallel lines to use as guides when laying out your letters.  This is the part is optional, if you are comfortable with winging-it, then go for it.

Remove any unnecessary foam pieces.

Lay out the letters backwards on the cardboard before gluing to make sure everything looks right. Trim any excess cardboard.

 Carefully slide the letters off to the side, keeping them in the correct order.
Cover the cardboard with glue.
 Attach the letters.

Carefully peel off the paper backing, leaving the sticky side exposed (after the ink is applied the stickiness should not be an issue).

 Set aside to dry.

Bag Instructions:
Cut the paper bag to a size that fits the item you are packaging, leaving 1/2" seam allowance. 

Sew around three edges of the bag using a sewing machine (if you don't have a sewing machine, tape would work too).

 Trim the edges as needed.  I used pinking sheers to create a decorative edge.

OK, now for the fun part! Lets get stamping.

The glue is probably not totally dry, and you may want to let it set a while longer.  I, however, was a little impatient so I went ahead and used the stamp right away (and didn't have any problems).

 Dab ink onto the letters until they are evenly coated.

Flip the stamp over and press firmly on the back. 

 It is worth taking your time on this part.

 Carefully lift up the stamp and admire your work!

Repeat as needed. 

If you are curious about the bread, it is called Wheat Stalk Bread from this book.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What a great gift idea!!! I'm curious...what bread recipe did you use?

    Crafting by Candlelight

  2. The bags look great, but how about that BREAD! It looks scrumptious.

  3. The recipe I used was Wheat Stalk Bread from the book Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. I LOVE this book! It is worth every penny.

  4. What a clever idea. I never would have thought to sew paper! Great post - can't wait to try!

  5. Love this. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Very cute! My homemade bread would downright fancy in one of these.

  7. OMG! I love this idea! Thank you!

  8. this is a GREAT idea! who wouldn't LOVE to get a loaf in one of these!?

  9. This rocks! Thanks for sharing.

  10. i just found this.. and i love this idea! thank you for sharing this.. love the stamp idea!

  11. Oh, my. I just stumbled here and your suggestion to use pinking shears on paper bags almost gave me a heart attack. By proxy. My mother was a fanatic about her sewing shears. Never never to be used on paper. Didn't that dull them very quickly? (That's what I was told would happen. And I believed it.)

  12. I had to chuckle while reading your comment, because I too had a mom who was a fanatic about her sewing scissors. The funny thing is, the idea to use pinking sheers for this project came from her. I can remember as a kid she had a two pairs of them, one with a scrap of red polka-dot fabric tied to the handle that were only to be used on fabric, and the other pair for craft projects.

    So, you are right, fabric scissors should NEVER be used on paper! (Maybe I should include that to the instructions above.)

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention, and I apologize for causing you to have heart problems!

  13. These bags, paper & cloth, are a great idea. I sell baked goods at farmers markets & my breads are a hit. I have been wrapping them in saran wrap. We have lots of brown paper bags, I will definetly be using them. Up cycling. And by the way my breads are from the same book that you use.
