
file folder gift boxes

 These gift boxes are made from items found around our house.

While rummaging though our office supplies, I came across a big box of red file folders. The color was not my first choice, but in the spirit of giving simple gifts, I thought it best to use what we have instead of buying new. 

I discovered that 3.5"x3.5"x2" boxes are a great size for the bird seed ornaments.

file folders (cardstock, cardboard, etc. will work too)
glue gun
First, make a template (like the one below).
TIP: be sure to make it as "square" as possible - this will save you a lot of heartache and frustration down the road.  

Trace your template on the file folder, and cut out around the perimeter. 

Fold along all of the lines.  Then, cut along the flap lines on two sides (yellow marks on template). 

Hot glue the flaps together.
To make the bottom of the box: follow the same instructions, but cut 1/8" off the length and width of the template, so the bottom of the box will be small enough to slide into the top of the box.

 And finally, DECORATE!

Happy Holidays . . . celebrate every day!


  1. Great job with these! I can only imagine that the file folder material makes for a very sturdy box. I love gift wrapping with items around the house, so this is right up my alley. Well done!

  2. SO pretty and perfect! Love this idea and the ornaments are so cute too:)

  3. These boxes are so cute, and what a great way to use what you have! I bet no one would have guessed they used to be office supplies, and I think the red color is perfect for the cute seed ornaments, that I am off to explore next!

  4. What are great idea! The look so cute, I'm currently looking for inexpensive ways to make my own wedding favours and these could be perfect!

  5. I have also made boxes out of magazine covers and Christmas cards, using the images as nice decor. I made tiny boxes that I use for decorations.

  6. I know I commented back when this was originally posted, but wanted to say I'm including your idea in a roundup of 'office supply gift wrapping ideas' tomorrow. Thanks again for sharing!
