"" sewing tutorial | KIDS | crafts | handmade gifts | bread bags | fort kits | diy hang tags | saltwater-kids


bread bag update

This morning I decided to finish up the last of my 6 bread bags, but wouldn't  you know it, I ran out of ribbon. So...
Step 4
in a pinch I decided to reuse the hem pieces...

Bread bag update 1
and it worked out great!  Add some Fray Check along the cut edges, and then insert the two unfinished ends of the hem pieces into the side seam of the bag, and sew! it's that easy.


  1. What a great idea to use those leftover bits. I always hate throwing such things away.

  2. I love this whole idea - start to finish. Using the hem remnants is even more economical and a great addition! Mmmmmm, doesn't your bread look tasty now?

  3. What a lovely thing. I shall make some to keep around for quick gifts. Thank you!
